Tuesday, September 17 • 15:50 - 16:20
C++ Standard Library "Little Things"

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Major feature advancements like Concepts come with a lot of hype, but the committee has added many smaller and less invasive enhancements in recent standards. These can improve clarity and performance with targeted changes to opt-in without sprawling changes to one's codebase. We'll talk about how you can use these features, what they do under the covers.

A special emphasis will be placed on the associative containers' data structures, as those containers have received a large number of enhancements and most folks don't have a simple mental model of how they work.

avatar for Billy O'Neal

Billy O'Neal

Senior SDE, Microsoft
Billy a maintainer of the standard C++ libraries at Microsoft. He improves performance in the library for existing features, and is the author of several C++17 library features in Visual C++, including string_view, boyer_moore searchers, parallel algorithms, and parts of filesyst... Read More →

Tuesday September 17, 2019 15:50 - 16:20 MDT
Crest 4/5
  • Design/Best Practices